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4/28/18, 7:02 PM

The Deep End Games: _dark_web_

What is _dark_web_? This was by far one of the more unique experiences I was able to partake in this year at Pax East 2018. I found myself at the booth for The Deep End Games where they were showing off Perception in a new VR format and teasing the _dark_web_ experience. After briefly speaking to Amanda Gardner, co-founder of The Deep End Games and writer/producer for Perception, I was ushered into a dark curtained hallway at the rear of their booth...

Waiting inside was a figure completely enveloped in a dark robe, whose face was hidden by a mask which immediately reminded me of the movie Eyes Wide Shut. From here forward I’ll refer to this silent creepy figure as the stranger. This stranger was equipped with an electronic tablet that contained some rules and directions for engaging in this experience… which due to the mental impairment I was enjoying at the time (read as high as a kite) I can not remember in the least. After reviewing the rules and agreeing to the terms, the stranger stood aside and motioned for me to proceed down the hallway where I could see a laptop and headphones on a pedestal at the far end, immediately conjuring the image of some sort of cultists' alter. I brushed past the stranger and proceeded to put on the headphones and examine the laptop which presented me with three images, each containing a title and some flavor text just below them.

The first one was called Frostbite, the second name escapes me (most likely because of the aforementioned impairments) and the third was titled Harvest. I will describe each of the three in more detailed posts below. Clicking on one of the images provided an associated sound clip, although referring to them as sound clips is doing them injustice. They were more like engineered sound experiences. After listening to all three of the options I was asked to vote on the one that The Deep End Games should work on first. I selected Harvest for reasons I will elaborate on later. Once I had finished, I took off the headphones, placed them on the alter and turned around to discover the stranger right up in my grill! To be honest, I was kind of expecting this given the nature of the experience thus far, but I really appreciate the effort the stranger was going through to provide this level of immersion. At this point, the stranger silently handed me one of the creepy masks from the promo image which made it feel as though I had just been indoctrinated into some secret cult. With mask in hand, I headed out of the darkness back to the convention floor craving more information about the _dark_web_

It is really refreshing to see companies taking these types of creative chances and thinking outside the box, especially considering the ever crowded indie landscape. In fact, after my experience I was able to speak with Bill Gardner, also a co-founder of The Deep End Games and director for Perception about some of the other risks they are taking with _dark_web_. In summary (since I didn’t write anything down and I am terrible) Bill spoke about how it can be risky for a small developer to put all of their eggs into one project basket that may take years to develop and launch. When you consider that the gaming landscape can and often does shift so quickly it can be a major risk for indie developers. A game that may seem like a good idea now may not work as well two plus years from now when it actually launches. So by releasing smaller experiences more regularly Bill hopes to mitigate some of these risks. It would allow him and his team to adjust more readily to changing needs/wants in the game industry as well as potentially adjust to feedback from his core audience. I am really looking forward to seeing what this team can do in the future with _dark_web_.

If you would like to keep abreast of The Deep End Games and their goings on, check out the links below:

Perception is available on the following platforms:



4/29/18, 12:09 PM


Running through the woods, you can hear your cold breath on the air as the snow crunches beneath your feet. Your breathing is erratic as if you are scared. You can hear the sound of a wolf or other large dog close by which sets you running again. The wolf thing is getting closer…

This gave a sense of bitter cold and isolation. Something is chasing you through the cold winter forest and you only have yourself to rely on. I really liked this one the most for the soundscape it created. I could put myself in the persons shoes and it felt like I was the one being chased. The only reason I didn’t choose this one is I liked the potential story direction presented by Harvest a little more.

Untitled 2nd Clip

This one gave me a sense of being in a church or other sacred building. I believe there was glass shattering and a scream. This might have been called The Spirit but I can’t remember.

For some reason this soundscape just didn’t resonate with me the same way the others did. It made feel like there was a malevolent force or demonic presence that was being mischievous or hostile but it didn’t place me in the action as well.


The crunching of leaves or corn stalks as you walk. Sounds like night time? There is some kind of rustling near by. Some kind of creature noises which make you run scared.

Harvest left me with the impression of looking for someone or something in a corn maze and finding more than you bargained for. The image reminded me of crop circles so maybe some kind of alien story? This is the one that had the most potential for me because I feel like the story could do well as either a creepy corn creature horror or some kind of alien mystery.


4/29/18, 12:55 PM

Dumb Asses w/ Masks

2DN Mask

2 Dumb Nerds in masks

Drinking a Beer

Beers with straws and masks

Lazy Asshole

This lazy asshole

O Mask

My creepy kid in a mask

Cat Mask

Beeah's creepy cat in a mask?