Socially Inept: 


5/27/18, 12:31 PM

Black Ops 4

Here....We...Go...Again... I said I wouldn't do it, but fucking call of duty got me again. I started playing Black Ops 3 again (check out the streams and youtube lol) They get me because I just need a competitive multiplayer in my library that I can always rely on. I don't know how they do it, those bastards. Anyway I am actually excited about black ops 4 even with no campaign, they campaign have sucked recently anyway, so maybe with all the focus on multiplayer they can give me my reliability. What do you think?



5/29/18, 1:30 AM

I don't know man. The more I hear about Battlefield V the more interesting it sounds. I am pretty sure I am going to skip this CoD and rely on you purchasing it and then telling me how much it sucks...